Monday, August 3, 2009

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The next installment should be in mid-August.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Pg 3-8 Urtian Incompetence



Thorid looks at the draft proposal and is furious. The document is only 10 pages long and lacks details. He grills the Urtians about the choice of junior consultants and demands to know if Lintas Corp has agreed to finance the Kr12 million security deposit.

Prys quickly interjects and tells Thorid that he has just submitted the draft proposal to the board of Lintas Corp. He is certain that the board will agree to finance the security deposit for a share of the profit.

Thorid warns the Urtians angrily that they had better not botch up this deal or they won't be getting Kr1 from him.

As Thorid storms out of the bar, Arken worries about the extent of their problems. Ordin had racked up a huge bill in Sairis and came back with nothing. GTC really needs to win the tender now to cover all its expenses.

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Pg 3-7 Petting Lounge

On hearing that Thorid will be coming to Urt, Arken calls Prys. The two men decide to entertain Thorid and one of the suggested venues is the Petting Lounge which Prys is certain Thorid will enjoy.

However, when the Urtians pick up Thorid and take him out, Thorid is more preoccupied with business than pleasure.

He demands Arken to show him the work that has been done so far. Arken takes out his computer nervously and shows Thorid the draft proposal developed by Skills Placement Inc.

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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Pg 3-6 Thorid Worried


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At the end of two months Qurida, Thorid's mole, reports that there is growing support within the Supreme Congress for the Urtian team. She informs Thorid that she has also arranged for their rookies to sell corporate equity to the elder members of Congress to ensure they have a "comfortable" start to their retirement. Meanwhile the Roqian and the Cetnarian teams have finished gathering information for their proposals and have engaged scientists, engineers and senior consultants for their teams.

Thorid, on hearing the news, is increasingly worried. Ordin had returned to Urt a fortnight ago and he has not heard a word from Arken about how GTC is progressing.

Unnerved by the silence, Thorid decides to fly to Urt to check on the team.

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Pg 3-5 Political Paranoia


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At the same time, the Minister spreads his influence insidiously in the halls of power. Old wounds between Sairis and the northern belt countries re-surface. The members of the Supreme Congress are reminded that their long standing trade disputes with the northern belt countries are still unresolved. Discern over those countries illegally dumping their products in Sairis begin to grow louder.

Paranoia starts to spread in the shadows of Congress that the Roqian and Cetnarian governments could easily use this project to force Sairis to resolve the trade disputes in their favour knowing the country's state of desperation. Furthermore if Sairis were to engage either a team from Roq or Ceitnar it would be forced to depend on their imports. Some of the politicians go as far as to conclude that as a result Sairis would lose a lot of revenue, their companies will suffer and many Sairisites could lose their jobs. It would be a wiser decision to engage the Urtian team.

Where support cannot be garnered nor political favours traded to favour the Urtian team money changes hands instead.

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Pg 3-4 Ordin's Bribes


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Ordin, however, takes a different tack. Arken had instructed him to impress the Ministry officials so Ordin wines and dines them every night at the best restaurants even though it will cost GTC a bomb. At the same time, Ordin gives them his spew about the merits of the Urtian team.

At every opportunity, Ordin showers the Ministry officials with gifts and high praises and eventually charms them to tell him what the consultants are expected to deliver for the project.

However, the official does not know and instead expects that it is the consultant's job to come up with those suggestions in their proposal leading Ordin's probing to a dead end.

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Pg 3-3 Cetnarian Team


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Meanwhile the team from Ceitnar is busy holding discussions with Sairisite industrialists and engineers on the sources of environmental degradation. The Ceitnarians succeed in engaging the Union of Industrial Scientists and Engineers to contribute their expertise to the project.

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