After the meeting is over, Thorid stays behind to speak privately with the Minister. Thorid airs his concerns that Sairis's political relations with the northern belt countries have deteriorated more than the environment. He points out that the Supreme Congress isn't going to like engaging a company either from Roq or Ceitnar.
Thorid proposes that he could get a team from the country Urt, one of the few allies of Sairis, to bid for the project. The Minister listens grimly. Urt is not known for preserving their own environment. The Minister feels that the elder members of Congress will surely object to the team.
Thorid however is confident that those three objectionable senior members of the Supreme Congress can be easily bought off since they are close to retirement and would need some extra cash. After all, in his mind, it's a small price to pay to ensure things go smoothly. Instead he is more concerned about the two inner members of the Supreme Congress who have been pushing the government to develop better political relations with the northern belt countries.
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