Excited by all the opportunities for personal gain, Ordin quickly makes his way to Sairis. The long flight half way across the world gives Ordin time to hatch his own scheme. He decides that Thorid needs the Urtians so he will up Prys's deal and keep the rest of the money for himself.
In Sairis Thorid asks Ordin how GTC is progressing. Ordin replies that GTC is in the midst of consolidating the team. However, he adds that it is imperative to offer Kr5 million to Prys to convince the board of Lintas Corp to finance the security deposit.
Thorid is shocked by such a large request. He remains calm and agrees to the amount but tells Ordin that Prys will only get paid if they win the project and that Ordin is to report everything that happens in Urt to him.
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