Over the course of the next few days the GTC partner companies driven by the promise of millions and power strategise independently to secure the lion's share of the project for themselves. They plot to either build up their relations with the Sarisite Ministry, anchor in with Thorid, form alliances with other companies to strengthen their position in the project or source for more money to ride through the tender process as it is likely to be a long and costly affair.
Prys and Vesta then meet secretly in a park. As they find a shady and quiet spot Prys reflects on the fact that Lintas Corp is going bust and this project may yet save the company from bankruptcy. But personally he gets nothing for digging Lintas out of the grave besides his salary which the company has to pay anyway.
Far from prying eyes and sharp ears Prys tells Vesta to quickly secure the consultants and develop the proposal under the "Lintas" team. Prys will head off Ordin before he leaves for Sairis.
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